Did I Just Waste My Time?

I feel like I have wasted many years of my life with this man. He wanted to get married, and I wanted to wait. I should have listened to that "gut" feeling I had and held off on tying the knot. But no, my heart was willing and anxious to be with this man til death-do-us-part. At first, the marriage was wonderful. I guess that's called the honeymoon phase. But even after that wore down, we were still alright. We had our daughter and about the time that she was 2 yrs old was possibly when things started going downhill. I spent countless days, months, years of my life being a good wife to him. I look at things now, and I wonder if anything could have changed his cheating on me. He didn't cheat on me in the beginning, so what in the world changed things to make him think it was alright to do this to me? It saddens me to think that I just wasted my time on this marriage, even hoping that things would have worked out for us. Did I waste my precious time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know after my ex cheated on me, it explained why he had been so evil all these years. It became a release and my spring board to start over.

I also found a lot of truth in the best revenge is to live and live well. I remarried. I married a man who loves me even with my 4 kids.

The moment you stop looking back you will see clearly what is ahead. Think what it is you would like to see in a mate and make a list like it`s a to do list. I did that and my new husband is exactly as I dreamed him.

I read two books that helped-10 stupid mistakes women make and Write it down make it happen. I hope they help!